The Most Common Gallbladder Attack Symptoms: 10 Must-know Things

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Usually, most of the people are mistaken gallbladder attacks with the heart attack. How to tell your unhealthy gallbladder is that this small digestive organ can't support your digestive process rightly anymore. That means it can't function properly to store the liver bile as well as excrete it into the small intestine to digest foods. If you don't recognize soon the gallbladder attack symptoms to have the suitable treatment, the form of gallstones will block bile ducts and bile in your gallbladder can end up pains of inflammation. The infected gallbladder is known as Cholecystitis.

The presence of gallbladder attack is very sudden and it can last from at least a few minutes up to hours. The serious case is you need the hospitalization. Thus, it's very important and essential to read what I mentioned below

The common gallbladder attack symptoms:

In fact, there are many reasons for gallbladder attack symptoms but in this section, I will just list the most common ones:

Suffer belly pain:


The gallbladder is a small sac that takes responsibility for storing bile created by your liver. Through the cystic duct, bile goes from the gallbladder into the small intestines. This whole process is the way the fatty foods are broken down. Normally, you don't pay attention to your gallbladder too much unless you are painful due to the slow flow of bile (more seriously, it's blocked)

Commonly, the clearest symptom of gallstones is that the location of pain appears in the upper right of your stomach and under your ribs. This pain will spread outwards then move to the upper back of the belly or the center gradually. These pains can last from 15 minutes up to hours even interrupt your sleep.

Get indigestion:


The symptoms of the gallbladder attack are similar to other conditions' so it's hard to distinguish. Yet, you can refer to the following elements: nausea, gas, and the abdominal discomfort after each meal. The gallbladder is an important part influencing your digestive process. It allows some nutrients to go through your intestinal as well as enter your bloodstream. They include the fat-absorbable nutrients (Vitamin A, D, E, K), and emulsified fat.

If this happens to you, you will suffer the symptoms of the biliary pain or colic, ending up the gripping pain like heartburn in the upper right side of your abdomen near to your rib cage. Like heartburn, the pain of colic can spread out your upper back even back of the breastbone to result in discomfort, pressure, and pain.

Be Vomiting:


Vomiting is one of the symptoms of gallstone, appearing after your meals. It can help you minimize the gas pressure as well as stomach pain. But, the case can become more serious when it comes to some other symptoms such as extreme nausea and fever. These colic and biliary pain can last at least one up to a lot of hours.

At night, while you are sleeping, it's very easy to result in biliary colic if, during the day, you have a big meal with the fatty foods. From what I mentioned, you can easily recognize that gallbladder keeps an important role in your digestive process especially when your meals are rich in fat.

Lack the appetite:


The worse your gallstone is, the more the lack of the appetite is. In case nausea comes after your meal, you will tend to avoid eating anything because you are afraid of pains and discomfort. If you let your gallbladder is inflamed and infected worse, your digestion will be more painful very much since in that case, the bile ducts are blocked totally.

And the bile - a kind of liquid as water or bilirubin must flow into your liver to build up. This occurs in those who have a weakened immune system. You had better refer to your doctor to get some advice about how to address your loss of appetite because of indigestion and nausea. Taking your simple blood can know the levels of the increased bilirubin, alkaline phosphate levels, and liver enzymes. All of them are symptoms of blockage.

Cause jaundice:


Once the gallstone is lodged or blocked in your bile duct, the remaining substance will stay in your body especially bloodstream. This causes the yellowish hue (jaundice) in your skin and eyes.

As you know, bile is a combination of bile salts, cholesterol, bilirubin, and waste product. It creates a build-up in your liver that takes the responsibility for breaking down foods, helping you easy-to-digest after your meals.

When there is the appearance of gallstone development, bile isn't released into the small intestine to support your digestion. The blocked bile ducts make bile can't move to anywhere excepting accumulating in your liver. The more bile in your liver is, the higher waste product (bilirubin levels) in the blood is.

Change your urine:

As I mentioned, gallstones are small stones which are formed from the combination of calcium salts, bile pigment, and cholesterol. If there is a build-up of gallstones in your gallbladder, your urine will turn into yellow color or dark brown because of the bile pigment. But, in some case, the change of these color just shows a hydrated system.

When it comes to gallstones, an over-excess of waste products in your body will block the bile duct. It ends up there is a big amount of the dangerous waste products in your body. Actually, there are two reasons of discoloration in urine: dehydration and gallbladder issues so you should learn carefully. Normally, urine tinged blood shows a kidney damage.

Be diarrhea:

If you have more than 4 times a day of the explosive and frequent bowel movements, that can be a symptom of gallstone attack even it is accompanied by pain that spreads your whole belly, not only one area. Some other symptoms include lower back, breastbone like heartburn, and radiating pain in your abdomen.

In case you have the gallstone, the color of your bowel movements will be light or chalky. Furthermore, your stool may be lighter, float, and loose. In sum, diarrhea indicates the lack of bile (blockage). You need to make an appointment with your doctor if your bowel movements are high about 10 times a day.

Change your stool:

Once your gallstones develop bigger enough to block the bile ducts, the color of your stool can be pale and clay-like. The gallstone attack is determined stronger through the higher amount of the explosive, loose, and float bowel movement about 10 times a day.

Pay attention that diarrhea is also a common symptom of dehydration so be careful

Be fever:


In case you are suffering fever and chills while you are in the trouble of gallstones or gallbladder attacks, that can be a symptom of the infected bile duct. This has been proven by researchers of the University of Maryland Medical Center. One-third of gallstone gets fever and chills.

But, once you get the fever, you aren't biliary colic. Another condition of this symptom includes acute cholecystitis attached to vomiting and nausea. If this is what you are bearing, that means you need the medical attention immediately. In case you don't care gallbladder inflammation (acute cholecystitis) soon, that can be the reason threatening your life.

Suffer chest pain:


Normally, everyone is easily mistaken gallbladder attack with a heart attack. Chest pain happens when your gallbladder or bile duct acid is blocked or afflicted and trapped in your stomach. Finally, it's pushed into your chest to cause pains. Sometimes chest pain can show you that is a heart attack after a rich or big meal.

Gallbladder issues can lead to heartburn also after your meal especially when lying down immediately after eating. It will put pressure on your chest and abdomen.

The final thoughts:

Hope my list gave you a lot of informative support of learning the gallbladder attack symptoms. Remember that you have to determine the symptoms soon to get the suitable solutions timely. If not, the condition can be worse and out of control. I really want to know your idea and suggestion. please let me know by leaving a comment below.


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