The Best Amazing Magnesium Oil Benefits That Make You Want To Buy It

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You know, magnesium can be metabolized in many different forms. You can eat magnesium-rich foods, take vitamins that contain magnesium, or use Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) at meals.

But do you know why we need an adequate intake of magnesium oil? Precisely what are magnesium oil benefits?

Scroll down now, since the answer is in this article!

Magnesium oil is good for health

Magnesium Oil Benefits for Health

Magnesium is considered an essential mineral for more than 300 physiological and regulatory biochemical reactions that occur daily in our bodies, readers. Thanks to its ability to maintain calcium in tooth enamel, magnesium helps prevent tooth decay. It also contributes to the prevention of coronary artery disease and arrhythmia. For more detailed about its benefits, you guys let's keep scrolling down.

Reduce toxicity due to chemotherapy and radiation

Therapeutic drugs rely on chemicals to treat cancers and can cause several severe side effects, including magnesium deficiency. Therefore, results from the European Journal of Cancer also show that supplementing the diet with magnesium is necessary for cancer patients. It helps reduce the severity of kidney damage caused by cancer medications without interfering with the anticancer effect of the drug.

People with cancer who are treated with medicines and magnesium have a longer lifespan than those who do not. 63% of magnesium users during treatment could survive for another four years compared to those who only took the drug.

Also, you should know that the treatment process often causes constipation in the patient, and magnesium is a natural laxative that helps to relieve constipation. Ideally, you should get 200-1000 mg per day.

Increase athletic performance and recovery from exercise

Athletes need the right amount of magnesium to get the best training performance. Magnesium studies have shown that exercise will redistribute magnesium throughout the body. After that, exercise performance will be improved.

Magnesium supplements help exercise effectively

Individuals with magnesium deficiency may improve exercise performance when supplementing with magnesium. This kind of oil is also a natural muscle relaxant that helps relieve muscle and joint pain.

Transdermal therapy is considered safe for health, with many benefits for people with digestive disorders who cannot absorb magnesium in the usual way. Using magnesium spray is a popular option. Besides, athletes use this lubricant to boost energy, stamina, relieve muscle pain, and heal wounds.

Reduce the risk of cancer

The International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium has identified that magnesium deficiency can lead to the development of cancer.

According to data from the Paris Prospective Study 2 cohort study published in Epidemiology, in 4,035 men aged 30-60, those with high magnesium levels reduced their risk of suffering from cancer by 50%.

In addition, regular magnesium supplementation reduced their risk of death from cardiovascular disease and other causes by 40%.

As I mentioned above, magnesium plays a role in the 300 metabolic reactions in the body. Its presence in the body affects the stability of cell membranes and protects cells from heavy metals, such as mercury and lead. Low magnesium levels harm cell permeability, and several other studies have shown this can cause cancer.

Treat migraine

You know, low magnesium levels affect specific receptors and neurotransmitters that cause migraines. One study found that getting enough magnesium reduced migraines by more than 41.6%. Studies also show that regular magnesium supplementation can reduce the incidence of this disease.

Thanks to some of the magnesium oil's natural characters, it is an effective migraine treatment, dear readers.

Improve anxiety and stress disorders

A nutrition study conducted at the Larner School of Medicine (published in PLoS ONE) has shown that just 248 milligrams of magnesium daily will help you improve depression. In particular, Magnesium Chloride significantly reduces symptoms of depression, and anxiety disorders regardless of age and gender.

Magnesium helps reduce stress

Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

According to a study in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard University on 85,000 women and 42,000 men over a period of 12-18 years, people who take a magnesium supplement diet may reduce their risk of developing diabetes (type 2) up to 34%.

You should keep in mind that magnesium has an impact on the body's sugar metabolism hormone, so obese people should regularly take magnesium supplements to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. To achieve the best results, women should add 320mg of magnesium in the daily intake of food, and this figure is 420mg in men.

Adjust blood pressure

Magnesium supplement has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Magnesium affects chemical reactions in the body to regulate blood pressure while controlling the concentration of potassium and calcium in cells.

Scientists in the United States and the Netherlands all agree that eating adequate calcium and magnesium reduces the risk of hypertension. Clinical examination showed that up to 90% of the causes of heart attack stem from hypertension.

Recently, a Swedish study added that people who drink water full of magnesium have a 35% lower risk of a heart attack. Moreover, the risk of dying from a heart attack in these people is reduced by 20%.

Reduce the risk of osteoporosis

The 8-year follow-up study in the United States of 3,765 people (1,577 men and 2,071 women, average age over 60.6) published in the British Journal of Nutrition (published by Cambridge University Press) showed that Magnesium intake increases bone mineral density and reduces the rate of osteoporotic fractures.

Reduce the risk of kidney stones

Magnesium deficiency can cause hyperlipidemia, which facilitates stone formation. Research published by The American Journal of Gastroenterology, from a study of 560,180 people, found that magnesium helps prevent kidney stones.

How to Use Magnesium Oil

For the first time, you should use a small amount first to see if you are allergic. Apply magnesium oil on less sensitive skin areas such as thighs, hips, abdomen, thighs, and arms. Avoid sensitive areas, such as wrinkles in the elbows and buttocks, behind the knees and neck, as this can cause itching.

Also, remember to wait at least 12 hours to apply magnesium oil to the skin of your legs after shaving.

It is best to apply magnesium oil 30 minutes after bathing when your skin is clean. After applying magnesium oil, massage gently. Depending on your preference, you can shower or wipe it to remove any excess oil. You can also keep magnesium on your skin throughout the day.

Proper use of magnesium oil is essential

Magnesium may cause skin itching for  first time users. However, this reaction will decrease and disappear after a period of use. If you experience discomfort, dilute the solution with water or spray on damp skin.

Wrapping Up

Magnesium is a vital mineral for human wellness. Currently,  there are different states about magnesium oil: natural foods, supplements or supplements in pill, liquid, spray, and so on.

So I helped you learn more about magnesium oil benefits. If you have any comments, feel at ease to leave them below for everyone to discuss. Thanks for reading.


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