8 Benefits of Dandelion Tea Can Make Your Health Better

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In traditional herbal medicine, the dandelion is supposed for its wide align of medicinal features. They’ve been used to support in treating countless physical diseases. People usually use roots, leaves or flowers of dandelion to make tea. Dandelion tea brings various health benefits to human.

A reader sent me an email message and asked "Can I drink dandelion tea daily?".

My answer is YES. In this article, I will point out eight benefits of Dandelion tea. I bet you will be so surprised about. However, let’s take one minute to know what Dandelion is!

What is Dandelion?

The dandelions are species belong to a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. The dandelion is native to Europe with the name from French “dent-de-lion”, meaning "lion's tooth". Now they are commonplace worldwide and propagate as wildflowers.

What is Dandelion?  Image source: Phys.org

The dandelion is a big flower head from very small flowers assembled together.

They reproduce and create breed asexually without pollination. As a result, the next generation is genetically identical to the previous one.

The dandelion is an aggregate flower head from very small flowers assembled together.

In different fields, dandelion is used as an herb with many good benefits for health. Dandelion leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, calcium and iron...

What is dandelion's dosage form?

This medicinal plants may have dosage forms such as:

  • Pill
  • Liquid extract
  • A vegetable
  • Fresh plant juice
  • Dandelion tea
  • Medicated alcohol

The usual dose of dandelion is about 9-12g/day. Dandelion dosage may differ for people with different health conditions. If you have any pathological condition, talk to your doctor to apply a suitable dose.

Why should you drink a cup of dandelion tea everyday?

You can use the stems, roots, leaves or the whole plants to brew dandelion tea. The dandelion tea can be brewed by soaking its leaves, roots or flowers in boiling water, and then add honey or a little bit of cinnamon powder as you like. You can brew the tea at home or buy tea packed in small packages in online sale website or stores.

A tea cup was brewed from dandelion leaves. Image source: Natural Living Ideas

The nutritional contents in dandelion tea types differ because the quantities and added ingredients in the production process of different tea types are dissimilar.

Quantities of the nutritional contents and added ingredients are dissimilar in dandelion tea types

We will introduce with you the general and possible health benefits of this tea based on some of the specific research about dandelion in this part.

An alternative beverage

You can use dandelion tea as an alternative beverage for black tea or coffee that contain caffeine by the following way:

Roast the dandelion plant roots. After a while, these roots will transform into a dark brown color. Macerate them in hot water for about 10 minutes, and you will have a dandelion tea-cup to enjoy. The taste of the dandelion root is quite similar to the smell of coffee.

Diuretic and good for kidney

Dandelion tea helps body cooling, has a diuretic effect in preventing kidney damage problems and detoxifying poison, which includes uric acid from the urinary system.

Urine output will increase after drink two teacups made from dandelion leaves. This is very good for the kidneys to balance water in the body. Diuretic effects also help reduce discomfort sensations if you’re bloated.

A rich source of fiber

People use dandelion leaves as a kind of food that provides rich fiber. The foods are processed from dandelion leaves help the digestive system work better and fight against constipation.

Good for liver health

Some scientific studies showed that polysaccharides (a complex type of carbohydrate) in dandelion might be beneficial to the functions of the liver.

In traditional medicine and nutrition studies, experts believed that the dandelion root possessed detoxified ability for the liver and alleviated the liver disease symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Dandelion contains natural antibiotic such as vitamin C and luteolin which have antioxidant and antiseptic properties, anti-virus, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory…

Dandelion is also used in treating several diseases such as lymphadenitis, acute conjunctivitis, fever, colds, acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, acute upper respiratory tract inflammation, bronchitis, gastroenteritis...

Health & Strong bone support

Dandelion flowers possess a large amount of vitamin K. This vitamin plays a crucial  role in strengthening bones and protecting the heart. Besides, dandelion also supplies necessary minerals such as calcium and magnesium, antioxidants that work against osteoporosis.


The remedy is modulated from the dandelion leaf help to slow the skin aging process effectively. Dandelion leaves are rich in antioxidants that work to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and lips.

Dandelion leaves are rich in antioxidants that work to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and lips.

In addition, extracts from dandelion can also be used as a skin care cosmetic, skin whitening and beauty effectively.

Cholesterol-lowering effects

A study was conducted on mice show that dandelion is effective in reducing hyperlipidemia. The total cholesterol and triglycerides levels were found decreased in the mice after ate the flower of dandelion.  

In other studies carried out on humans, the results found that dandelion helps to ensure good blood flow and circulation, assisting in blood formation in human bodies.

Some other great effects of dandelion tea can be mentioned as: Weight loss effect, cancer-fighting, flu-fighting and prevents chronic diseases...

What are Side Effects of Dandelion Tea?

Dandelion can cause some side effects such as:

  • Nausea, vomiting, appetite-loss, gallstones, cholecystitis
  • Sensitive reactions, contact dermatitis.

Other side effects that dandelion may cause such as: increasing the amount of acid in the stomach, interacting with other drugs and reducing the effectiveness of some antibiotics...

People that are allergic to the daisy family are likely to encounter some annoying side effects to dandelion.

People who are not allergic to dandelion tea can use the tea as a supplement for a healthful lifestyle.

Who should not use dandelion?

Do not use dandelion if you belong to the following subjects:

  • Children
  • Women are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • People who are sensitive to this herb
  • People get diabetes, electric imbalance - physiological water, hypertension or congestive heart failure
  • People get irritable bowel syndrome, gastrointestinal disease, bile duct obstruction, intestinal obstruction or rubber-plastic allergy.

What dandelion can interact with?

This herb can interact with the medicines that you are taking or your current health condition.

Before using dandelions, you should consider the benefits and potential risks. You also need to consult a physician's advice before using this herb as a medicine.


Although there are many studies have shown that dandelion tea brings many benefits to human health, these studies are only on small-scale.

However, there is one thing for sure that you can't deny the great benefits that dandelion tea may bring to your health.

Do you know there is any type of tea that works like dandelion tea?


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